
Monday, June 28, 2010

Tattoo and other fun stuff I did this weekend

My hubby and I visited Tattoo, a musical event put on at the local Air Force base. It has nothing to do with getting inked, but rather an older meaning; "a signal on a drum, bugle, or trumpet at night, for soldiers or sailors to go to their quarters," hence the military/music combo.

Me! :)

Reapplying the red lipstick after a funnel cake. Yummy!

My mirror is vintage from my mom.

The hair, which is a bit flat from being worn all day at work and
then out in the hot, humid weather.


Saturday was a scrapbooking day! (Since I'm not content with one expensive hobby!) I scrapbooked some cute pics of me rocking bangs as a kid.

Cute sailor dress! I'd love to have a grown up one!

Rocking my own accessories!

And on Sunday, my fabulous hubby took me to see Phantom of the Opera! I had on a super cute vintage outfit, complete with hair and make up, but this is the only pic I remembered to get!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Middy

The middy was *the* haircut of the 40's. There was some variety in length, but most people stuck to the same basic cut. I've toyed around with getting this cut before but I couldn't find a good picture of someone with it unstyled who also had hair like mine (i.e. completely straight). Well, today I found one! And I've decided to get my hair cut like that as soon as it grows out enough! Lisa Freemont Street has two wonderful videos about this hair cut. She also has many, many other wonderful vintage hairstyling videos. Check out her youtube channel here.

Here it is:

Here is how to style it:

And here is a video by Casey of Elegant Musings for those of you with naturally wavy or curly hair:


Saturday, June 19, 2010

To Fringe or Not to Fringe Part 2

My hubby did a photo shoot today and snapped a couple of me along the way. Check out my bangs!

Don't I look so much cuter when I'm not photographing myself?

It was such a lovely day out.

I love the wimsy of the cute bow head band with the bolero jacket! While not exactly vintage, this outfit does go well with vintage make-up and bangs. And I've been inspired by everybody else doing cute outfit posts!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To Fringe or Not to Fringe

While dithering about whether or not to grow out my hair, I have left my bangs alone. They started out as a short betty page length and have now progressed to past my eyebrows and are quite unmanageable. I could grow them out with everything else or chop them again. I'm so torn between all of the adorable hairstyles with and without bangs!

Vintage Fringe

A cute curly fringe.

A smoother bang.

Pin-curl diagram for bangs!

More bangs.

Betty Page style fringe.

With my bangs, I have been able to get both the smooth, Betty Page style and curly style using a curling iron and pin curls, respectively.

Vintage No Fringe

A soft vintage look.

A more spunky, curly look.

The faux bang made by rolling the hair or with a rat (which I have NOT mastered.).

Modern Vintage-y Bangs

Zooey Deschanel with her cute, eclectic, vintage-y wardrobe.

Another Zooey-I couldn't resist!

Kenley Collins showing a definite vintage vibe.

I love the eclectic, vintage-y look, especially for a beginner like me with a modest vintage wardrobe and a job that does not jive with true vintage attire. (I cringe at the thought of dripping chemicals on a 60+ year old garment! No vintage in the lab!)

As I continue to ponder this, I'll probably end up with a post of my bangs styled in a couple different ways.

So, what do people think? Fringe or no fringe?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Pink Blouse

My current wardrobe contains depressingly few actual vintage pieces. (I'm working on that.) So, I mix vintage with modern and vintage inspired pieces. Here is a cute little romantic ensemble I wore today. Please excuse the crappy quality of the pics as I was the model and photographer. I need to get a remote or something for my camera.

Shirt: Vintage from etsy
Skirt: Banana Republic
Vest: Apostrophe
Shoes: DSW

More of my modeling in front of a mirror.

This is a Notebook inspired hair do. Aya of Strawberry Koi has a tutorial for it here.

Here is her do. So cute with the hat!

1940's makeup with my new red lipstick. Very bold!

Here are my feet, which I could never quite get in the picture with the rest of me. I'll have to have help with the pics next time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finding the Fourties

I have always loved dressing up and being a girly girl, but I always felt like something was missing. I never quite pulled off the in style. Not too long ago, I discovered the fourties. There, I found a sense of elegance, femininity and modesty that was lacking in modern fashion.

I loved the fashion, the culture and the lifestyle. Then I found others like me who had a love affair with another decade. And so I began learning all I could.

Here's a short summary of some of the resources I've been using to become vintage savy:




The Girl with the Star-Spangled Heart