
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

UFO - U = FO

Today, I finished a long standing UFO! I actually started this blouse back in March for Colette's spring palette challenge. It was my first go with knits and I blazed fearlessly on... until I got to the button hole part. Then I froze.

I ended up doing bound button holes for the first four buttons. The fifth button was at the waist bit and it had a nice pretty facing I'd sewn down back in March, so I just used a snap and sewed the button on top. I love the little collar detail but I think it'd go over better in a solid or less busy print.

Fabric: 2 yds of purple knit with bows grabbed off of the sale rack for something cheap
Pattern: Simplicity 2501 view C (although I think I used sleeves from something else....)
Year: contemporary
Notions: buttons, snaps
Time to complete: Can't remember
First worn: September 2011
Wear again? Yeah. It's definitely not perfect. It was my first time using a knit and I had construction issues plus fit issues plus fabric choice issues. It does have a bit of that lettuce leaf look on the hem, but I'll get over it. It is really great for work since I won't be completely crushed if it is ruined.

Total cost: something cheap

In other news, I dyed my hair a dark brown so that odd reddish streak is mostly gone. It still looks reddish depending on how the light hits it but it looks much less fake.

I also picked up this fab 1930s millinery reprint book. It looks awesome so far! This publisher also has an Edwardian millinery book which looks good too. Hopefully, I'll learn how to make some cute hats! Don't expect to see any too soon since I'm pretty busy with school and other things I need to do plus I think I need one of those millinery heads. (I can't think of what they are called at the moment and I'm too lazy to get off the couch and check in my book.)

Oh, and this is my SSS for today as well as a project for FESA and FPC.


  1. The bow print on that top is adorable! I easily fall victim to novelty prints... this top could easily be worn with high waisted skirts and shorts too! :D

    Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi

  2. A bow print with real bows! How stinkin' cute is that?
