
Monday, October 17, 2011

Fashion and Film: Happy Go Lovely

Today I caught a lovely Vera-Ellen flick called Happy Go Lovely (1951). I love Vera-Ellen. She's so adorable and an amazing dancer and performer!

This is the story of Janet Jones, a chorus dancer in a dance company with financial difficulties. Her dreams of being a star seem far off until a rumor gets started that she is the fiance of B. G. Bruno, a single millionaire. People around Janet start seeing dollar signs and begin to curry her favor. Once informed of the rumor, Bruno decides to investigate, but Janet mistakes him for a newspaper reporter named Paul Tracy. Janet tries to keep up the facade of dating Bruno while falling for "Paul". Interspersed in the drama are lovely dance and song numbers.

Vera-Ellen has many cute ensembles including this evening gown.

This yellow dance costume!

The same costume. I love the tap pants.

She has loads of other cute things but photos are, alas, scarce.

On the bright side, this is on Netflix so those of you that have it can check out this film!


  1. when I was a little girl I wanted to have legs like hers. I don't have that type of muscle at all but goodness that girl can dance!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This movie is avalible to watch in it's full length for free on YouTube, great quality too. It's been on high rotation on my watchlist for months because I love Vera Ellen. Apparently this movie was a flop in it's time but I just love the simple enduring storyline and just get a kick out of how David Niven plays his character!
