
Monday, October 3, 2011

SSS and the end

Day 26: Bottoms Up!

Today I wore my Wearing History sailor shorts pants. No picture because it was quite a bit warmer after work and I took them off.

Day 27: Cozy!
I wore my first knitting project-wrist wamers.

Day 28: Make it work!

Work again and I wore my white pendrell with a black belt.

Day 29: Finally Fall!
Felt like fall this day so I wore my peacock blouse.

Day 30: The End!

Wore my Sorbetto for a day shopping with one of my girl friends!

I felt like this was quite a success! I didn't do terribly awesome at photographing everyday but I only missed one day of self-stitched wearing. I think it definitely is going to help me reach for my me made garments more often. Many of mine are super wearable. On that note, lets see what didn't get worn.

1. Wearing History Smooth Sailing Blouse

I think there are two main fit issues with this blouse that kept it from getting worn- too short for regular pants and the arms are a bit tight. Both are easily fixable for a future version 2. And now that I'm adding more high waisted pants to my wardrobe, hopefully I can start wearing it more often.

2. The Christmas Crepe

This is one I figured I wouldn't wear as it's super Christmas-y but I'll definitely be wearing it to holiday parties this winter!

3. Paid Dress

This is an early project that is a smidge tight in the straps. It is still wearable but it didn't get cold enough for me to wear it on days I didn't have to work.

4. The Faux Button Dress

Another early project that really sunk because of poor fabric choice. Why oh why did I pick flannel?!? It does fit well so I may take the buttons off and turn it into pjs. I really do feel like an ice skater in this dress. (Not sure why. Mayhap, I should keep it for ice skating.)

5. Runway Outfit

More fabric issues with this ensemble I made for a runway show last spring. Made from old prom dresses, this just reads too costumey for every day life. It was a super fun project though!

6. Sew Serendipity Skirt

This was another great project that had fabric issues. It's super busy and it just feels super home-ec to me even though the construction is really good. I think I need to give this pattern another go in different fabrics. The pattern designer Kay Whitt has exquisite print matching skills but I'm definitely no there yet!

7. Sailor Blouse

This one also reads a bit costumey for work. That combined with having a top designed for high waisted bottoms left this on on the hanger. I did enjoy wearing this over the summer and expect it to make a big come back next summer.

I think one of the benefits of doing a me made month is finding holes in your wardrobe. I realized that I really have few work appropriate pieces. (So those that were got worn quite a lot!) Plus, I'll be in the lab more next semester so tops are a priority for future sewing! I also could use more cold weather gear. I made a lot of cute summer pieces this summer but didn't get many transitional type pieces.

I can't wait for the next me made month!


  1. I actually really like that green dress! It makes me realize my own faux-buttoning dress needs much bigger buttons for a mod effect. I also made the mistake of making a flannel dress, only mine was a tropical print with short sleeves! Talk about oxymoronic. Needless to say it never gets worn. Definitely wear yours ice skating.

  2. i have enjoyed seeing your sss pictures and it has got me thinking about if I could pull off such a challenge....maybe next year.

    I have that plaid jumper pattern as well and think it would make a good transitional piece for here in the northwoods.

  3. I love the faux button dress! I does look kinda ice-skatey but totally charming!
