
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Vintage and Knitting

I finished another knitting project from A Stitch in Time Vol. 2! I decided to go with something a bit more simple this time around and knitted a beret! I wasn't exactly thinking about what I could wear this with when I picked out my color of yarn but it happens to go great with this vintage dress.

This dress is something I haven't been able to fit into for a while but I put it on this week and it makes me feel amazing! No supportive undergarments needed.


I just pinned the beret onto my curled and brushed out hair and it looks super cute.


This pattern called for the hat to be knitted flat and then sewn up the back. My back seam was really ugly but the bow covers it nicely.


It was quite simple to knit up. Just knit stitches and the decreases made a lovely swirl pattern on the top.

And can I just say that it is really hard to photograph the back/top of your own head!

I hope the weather cools off so I can wear this beret again before summer hits. (It's knit out of wool.)

My computer has been acting really weird the last couple of days and I think it may be on it's last leg. I'm going to try and use it as long as it will last but if I disappear for many days, it probably kicked the bucket. I get facebook on my iPhone so feel free and pop over to my facebook page to stay up with all things Girl with the Star-Spangled Heart.


  1. I've made one of those too, and in virtually the same colour! Isn't it a great pattern? Mine was a gift, but I enjoyed knitting it so much I plan to make one for myself.

  2. Very cute, both the dress and the beret!

  3. Sweet little beret! I think you might like to see this weeks "The Lady" magazine (which is available online ) it has a great looking retro fashion feature. Good luck with your computer!

  4. What an adorable beret and that dress is uh-mazing! The little collar and everything is so adorable. Congratulations for fitting back into it!! :) x

  5. How cute! i love how it looks with that cute dress! i also just adore that color of blue

  6. What a lovely beret and it matches the dress perfectly! YAY!

  7. That's lovely!! I think berets are awesome :)
