
Monday, June 18, 2012

More Renaissance Planning

On Friday, I posted a pretty extensive list of things that I needed to fix on my Renaissance dress before September for the Ohio Renaissance Festival. Then I posted this picture after a much needed trip to Jo-Anns. So here's what happened between the first and second post.

My husband and I recently decided to go to a different Renaissance Festival in Kentucky. The only issues is that a) there's no way my red dress could be done in time and b) in July it's much too hot to wear it anyways. I thought that I could wear my very first "Renaissance" dress, but my husband vetoed that idea. He thought I could do better. So when I went shopping, I found an appropriate pattern on sale plus some yummy home dec fabric for $4.50 /yd. Bingo!

Alas, after some more research Friday evening (and realizing that a dress made from the fabric I bought would still be gobs too hot in July), I've decided to opt for something more like this:

From what I've found, this type of costume is more of an Italian style. The Ohio RenFest is set in Elizabethan England and the KY one appears to be Scottish, but really the average person is not going to know/care if I'm a couple of countries off.

I love all of the different trim patterns. Simple but lovely.

I'm currently planning a front laced dress made of linen and a bodice interlined with twill.

I'm also planning a white shift.

I may also make a partlet (that's the bit with the collar), detachable sleeves and corded petticoat if I get around to it.

I've been using this site for research/pattern drafting. So far I've been working on the bodice muslin. I won't be wearing a corset or boning this bodice but I'm hoping the twill and cut of the bodice will give me enough support to forgo wearing a modern bra. I wore my 3rd muslin (made of the same twill I'll be interlining it in) around a bit last night and it does have rather astounding gravity defying properties. We'll see how the final outfit turns out.

Today's goal is to bang out the shift and get some fabric on the cheap. My budget is $50 or less for this garment.


  1. Welcome aboard my new costume train! I look forward to seeing the final product!

  2. Can't wait to see it! This appears to be a very addicting hobby...not that it's going to keep me from also becoming addicted!

  3. I love these dresses. It may be because I am English but what is a renaissance fair. Any chance to dress up is cool in my oppinon. My only chance is cos-play / comic-con. This also looks fun.

    1. It's kind of like a historical reenactment but more shopping and shows and less history. There are all sorts of shops and workers dress up in period dress. There's usually a joust and someone dressed up as king or queen running around. It's loads of fun. Most of the people who go don't dress up or if they do, it's not very period accurate but it's very fun.

  4. How exciting! I've always yearned to go to a Renaissance fair and to sport a period appropriate costume, too. We don't have too many up here in Canada (especially in small towns like where I live), so I'll just have to live out my Renaissance fair adventures vicariously through your terrific posts :)

    ♥ Jessica

  5. I love your ideas for this. It's been fun reading all of your Renaissance sewing posts. I've always loved that time period and fashion, but never got into costuming. So I live vicariously through others. :)
