
Monday, August 20, 2012

New To Me

I love getting new things but new to me things can be just as nice.

I recently went on a bit of a vintage pattern shopping spree. Some of these I bought for a specific project but some were just good deals.

A cute 40s dress complete with original embroidery transfer.

A cute scalloped 50s dress with fabric swatch pinned to it.

I also got this scalloped dress pattern with fabric swatch from the same seller as the one above. Both have handwritten notes on the envelope and I think they may have been from the same sewer's collection.

Super cute late 40s dress with detachable collar. I planned on using this dress for my white rayon until I found this pattern:

Super awesome early 40s shirtwaist dress!

One of my friends asked me if I would be interested in some of his mother's old hats and I said yes, of course!

A cute navy hat with 3 rhinestones.

A pink hat that looks like it may have had some veiling at some point in time. I'm thinking that I'd like to replace it.

And a very pretty white floral hat.

And right after I came home from Costume College, there were two surprises waiting for me!

Last summer when I went to visit my grandparents, one of my dad's cousins offered to give me her serger that she never used any more. Well, her house wasn't exactly on the way home and there was no room in our car to take it back home anyways so I figured it'd be a while before I ever saw the serger but my dad was nice enough to pick it up and drop it off for me when he went to see my grandparents while I was at CoCo. My dad's cousin also gave me a hemmer machine. Both the hemmer and serger will be visiting a sewing machine repair shop in the near future (hopefully) for a tune up before I use them but I'm super excited!


  1. Holy Ike, I have that VERY SAME 40s shirtwaister! The last one, with the blue and gold dresses. Even the same size! I'm tentatively planning to use it for my white cotton-linen summer dress, with the red compass buttons. What will you use yours for?

    1. I'm going to make a dress from that white rayon I got in the garment district. Maybe we'll end up with matching white dresses. :) And I've got the first pattern in mind for the blue rayon I bought.

    2. Yay, matching white dresses! Mine will be short-sleeved, because it's linen. That's probably the only difference! We'll have to wear them next year. :D And that first one is an excellent choice for the blue rayon. It'll show all the details of the cut so nicely!

  2. I am going to ask for a serger for my Birthday. It's so important to making clothes last longer!

  3. Omg those patterns are divine!! Love them all! And those hats...ahhhhh lucky girl!!!! Cannot wait to see what you will create on that new sewing machine!! xox

  4. What an awesome array of new (to you) items. It's fantastic that you have people in your life who like to give you these kinds of treasures. Love all of the sewing patterns you bought and am sure you're going to make amazing garments with them.

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Super lovely patterns! I really like the McCall's dress in the second picture. I can't wait to see some of these made up. :]

  6. Lucky you! Those patterns look great. I hope the serger and hemmer works out for you!

