
Friday, September 28, 2012

Urban Nights

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I and two of our friends went out to a local event called Urban Nights. Several areas downtown have activities going on like musicians and performers and a lot of the local shops are open late. They have this event a couple of times a year and it's always fun.

I wore my embroidered circle skirt and my new sweater. Yay a finished sweater that fits!

The pattern is from a Stitch in Time Vol. 2 and is called Ribbon Threaded Jumper. So cute! It's knit from a pale green acrylic yarn from a baby line so it's nice and soft!

Bow! The Ravelry page for this project is here. I started it way back in April but I finally finished it.

A cute sewing shop had their grand opening that evening. It was very cute!

The local vintage store was open and packed!

There was a new hat shop! They were mostly modern but there were a few vintage inspired lovelies.

And I couldn't resist a used book store.

I loved this singer's style! So cute and retro. That night I really wanted to go and chop my bangs off again but I resisted.

Fire spinners! :D

All in all, it was a fun night!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

That's How I Roll

Here's a tutorial for a hairstyle similar to the one that I wore in my All About Hair Rats video.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wardrobe: Here's My Closet!

Oona asked on yesterday's post which closet was mine. Since I cheated yesterday and just grabbed some things off of the internet, I thought I'd share my actual closet (especially since I just rotated and organized it yesterday).

My side of the walk in closet. From front to back it's shoe racks, things to be mended, sweaters, blouses, skirts, dresses and then costumes + off season things in the way back corner by the shelf.

I have two hanging shoe racks plus my boots which sit out on the floor back under my clothes plus several pair that live by the front door. I also have a white crate of purses on the floor and one box of off season clothes that gets packed away. My one sweater success lives in a cubby in my shoe rack for now.

My hubby's side of the closet (minus the few things in the front which I guess I left there after rotating yesterday....) He also has a dresser for his clothes.

I don't have a dresser because I loath folding clothes but I do have one drawer for socks, tights, undies, slips, leggings etc. I leave my nondress pants and shorts on top of the drawer. I also tend to throw my clothes that are clean enough to wear again but I didn't feel like hanging up yet.

We also have a nice coat closet. I have a hanging rack for my scarves, gloves, etc on the inside of the door. All of my coats and jackets live in the closet as well as some more of my costumes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wardrobe: How Much is Too Much

I've been thinking about wardrobe a lot lately, partially because mine needs a some work. And, you know, I watch a lot of What Not to Wear. On the newer episodes of What Not to Wear, they actually show you everything the person gets. And I'm always surprised at how little they have. Usually, it's only about 30 outfits. My brain goes "How can they possibly live on 30 outfits?!?"....oh, wait, that's only one wear per outfit per month.....

Wardrobe explosion!

 Organized, efficient versatile wardrobe.

So that got me thinking about how much is too much? I've commonly heard quoted that most people wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time and while 83% of statistics are made up on the spot ( ;) ), I think that's probably pretty close to the truth. I've been working over the last year or so, to get myself to the point where I can let go some of my 80% that is worn only 20% of the time (although I usually fail on that when it comes to shoes.....) but now I'm lacking in lots of basics.

80% of this probably never gets worn...

Earlier this year, Tasia of Sewaholic posted about sewing cake vs. frosting where cake pieces are the versatile, basic pieces and frosting are the over the top just for fun type projects. My wardrobe is a giant pile of frosting on top of a little tiny piece of cake. Obviously, I need more cake but how many of those frosting type pieces do I really need? They just don't work for every day life. I've come to realize that I have a lot of pieces that I wear once or twice but then they get shoved behind my latest and greatest sewing project and don't see the light of day again. Sunni of A Fashionable Stitch has also recently decided that she needs a more life appropriate sewing plan/wardrobe.

I have a large walk in closet (especially considering that I'm in a small apartment!) but I'd love to be able to have a wardrobe like this:

Maybe if I live in a loft apartment one day!

Since I live in a state where the things you wear during the winter are NOT appropriate to wear during the summer and vice versa, I think I could use two 30 outfit wardrobes-one winter and one summer-and overlap them during spring and fall. And since the week is about 2/3 work days and 1/3 weekend days, that'll give me about 40 work outfits and 20 weekend outfits. Ok, so I'm good on the weekend outfits but sooooo far behind on the work outfits, especially the winter ones.

I see lots of frosting!

So how do am I supposed to get my wardrobe from an explosion of frosting to a reasonable of cake?

1. Separates

Separates are so much more versatile than pretty dresses so separates make a wardrobe go further. And cute tops will be able to work both in my work and nonwork wardrobes. I'm sure I'll get distracted and sew more dresses but I'm really going to try to work sewing up more separates.

2. Layering

I have quite a few cute cardigans and jackets but I don't wear them too much. I've gotten myself down to just two hoodies so hopefully I'll be reaching for sweaters more often this fall/winter. Summer shirt + cardigan or jacket = winter appropriate top!

3. Accessories

Accessories make things go so much further! I have a rather nice collection but it's sadly under used.  I really want to challenge myself with respect to accessories. I want to conquer scarves, bracelets and get back to wearing earrings every day!

Is your wardrobe more frosting or cake? How big of a wardrobe is too big? Do you rotate your wardrobe? Do you like What Not to Wear?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jewel Tones

I've been sewing again from my LA garment district haul!

Fabric: blue purple rayon ($4/yd)
Pattern: Simplicity 3895
Year: 1940s
Notions: zipper ($2)
First worn: September 2012
Wear again? Yups! Love it! There are some nit picky things that I'm not 100% happy with (yay topstitching.... not) but I really love it. It's cute and comfy and a fabulous color.

I just adore this blue purple color on me! I have some extra fabric from this project that is going to be made into a blouse.

Jewel tones are very 40s to me but they also read modern and really help this outfit from looking too costume-y.

I really want to make a self-fabric belt to go with this dress but I need to buy some belt kits first!

The best thing about this dress is the pockets! Such a fun shape!

I've found that I really love early 40s styles. There's something edgy and so stylish about them.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sneak Peaks: Season 3

Some sneak peaks of season 3 lovelies!

Edith in a fun grey suit.

I adore Cora's wrap blouse!

One word: Fab-u-lous!

Mary in a sharp red ensemble! And Matthew in a pinstripe (I think) suit. They look so smart together.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Youtube: All About Hair Rats

Have you ever been interested in hair rats? Check this video for where to find them and how to make your own. Expect future tutorials with hair rats!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Suit-able for the 1940s

I haven't bought a lot of ready to wear clothing lately but when I spied this navy and white microprint suit jacket at Banana Republic for a mere $35, I snatched it up.

I had planned on attempting to make a 40s suit this fall/winter but maybe now I won't have too.

Jacket: Banana Republic
Blouse: vintage
Hat: vintage
Skirt: Simplicity 3688

Yay for fall weather!

I got this hat way back in June but it was soon too hot to wear it. I'm so happy I can whip it out again.

I think I'm going to replace the weird bone colored buttons with something more match-y and add one more button to raise the stance a bit.

What are you excited about wearing this fall?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hope, Heart, and Happiness

Today I need to ask you guys for a favor. My church runs a nonprofit organization called Hilltop Equestrian Center and it's been nominated to win a share of $5 million in grant money being given away by Chase Community Giving and we need your votes to win.

Vote here via Facebook. Chase bank or credit card customers can vote at and cast double votes.

All of our ministries focus on teaching children Hope, Heart, and Happiness.

Hope - Someone cares about you

Heart - Being passionate about something of value.

Happiness - Contentment beyond circumstances.

We uses horse riding and equine care lessons, paintball and equitherapy (physical therapy on horses) to reach underprivilaged and handicapped children and all of these opportunities are offered at no cost.

All you have to do to help us get this grant money is pop over to facebook and vote. If you share via Facebook, Twitter or email, you can earn an extra vote. There's a total of $5 million in grant money being given away and I'd really appreciate if you'd take a few minutes and vote. If you'd like to learn more about the programs offered at Hilltop Equestrian Center, visit us at

Thanks! We'll be back to our regularly scheduled vintage programming tomorrow!

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Knitting Conundrum

It is still hot here but the weather is supposed to be turning deliciously fall-ish tomorrow and continue that what for a while. But I'm so ready for fall and knitting! I'm almost done with my spring knitting project so it's time for fall knitting! (Since I kind of missed my planned summer project... )

My husband won me some yummy cranberry worsted weight wool yarn this summer so I'll be using it for my fall project. I've been trolling Ravelry for some yummy patterns.

This comfy sweater has a hood!

This darling bolero is also super cute!

This sweater has a darling lace pattern.

My vintage options are this 40s cardigan.

Or this Swagger Coat from A Stitch In Time Vol. 2 but I'd have to do a shorter version.

Oh, decisions, decisions! I'm leaning towards the bolero (possibly lengthening the sleeves) or the mustard lace sweater. I've got less than 20 rows left on my current sweater and I'm all excited to cast on a new project. What pattern do you like best?