
Friday, May 24, 2013

Costume College: Thoughts and Plans

Costume College is just a few months away! Aaaah! With the Historical Sew Fortnightly going on, I have made some good progress as far as having something done (especially since I want to wear much more historical and much less vintage this year). Last year, I just went with the theme of use whatever I already have and make everything else super cheap. See last year's gala dress where the only bits I paid for were the zip and pattern (which I got for under $20).

Since I've been there and done that, I feel like I'm much better prepared to plan out more exciting outfits! Plus I've been budgeting costumes into my regular sewing spending money all year.

  • Travel: ??? probably something vintage
  • Pool Party: fabric-check pattern-picked out but not purchased, will be vintage

  • Classes: done, will be vintage
  • Ice Cream Social- currently a WIP, mostly done but waiting for the HSF challenge to come up, will be historical
  • Classes: secret project, fabric- check, pattern-check, just need to get started
  • Gala: WIP, will hopefully make loads of progress on it this weekend! will be historical

  • Classes: done, will be historical
  • Garment district shopping: ??? probably something vintage
  • Travel: ??? probably something vintage
Gala 27 (me)

So, that leaves me with 4 projects that I really want to get done and three outfits that I'll probably just fill in with something already in my closet. Plus I still never made a chemise for my Edwardian undergarments. :/ And I may need a petticoat for my gala dress.

Now that I'm working on my Gala dress, I want to know what parts you'd like to see. I'm going to reveal it before Costume College because I'm using it for a HSF challenge and I want to keep certain details secret until the reveal but I'd like your input on what else about it you'd like to see.

Poll time!! You may pick more than one answer and feel free to elaborate in the comments!

Gala Dress Posts free polls 


  1. So jealous! I think I might shoot to attend costume college next year. I am going to LA next month, and will be ransacking mood for all it's worth.

    I like seeing projects as you go along. I think that's what makes sewing blogs so fun! You get to see the creation of something wonderful.

    1. Costume College is sooo much fun! :) Enjoy shopping at Mood. I didn't make it to Mood last year but the garment district was awesome!

    2. I'm very excited! I thought of another option you could do as well for progress versus finished products. You could get an instagram account for all your WIP shots, that way those that don't want to be spoiled won't have to see them if they don't want.

  2. How wonderfully exciting. I really, really enjoyed your posts on CC last year, and am equally excited to see anything and everything you share with us relating to this great event this time around.

    ♥ Jessica

  3. Looking forward to the big reveal.

  4. Oh! How exciting! I'll start saving up my money to go next year!

  5. I love to see things as they're being made, and then I get to look forward to seeing the finished item in person at CoCo. I loved all your vintage last year. Can't wait to see what historical you make for this year.
