
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Bit of Irish Fun

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know that I have a thing about St. Patrick's Day and all things Irish. It's not that I dislike them. I just don't go crazy over them like most people do. Maybe it comes from not being Irish....Idk. But every so often, I can be in the mood to enjoy it.

And it just so happens that the Dayton Celtic Festival is far enough away from St. Patrick's Day that I'm in the mood for it again.

In keeping with my St. Patty's Day tradition, I wore no green and instead opted to rock out the 50s.

I had just enough fabric left over from my BBQ dress to eek out a sleeveless top!

Fabric: Micheal Miller BBQ fabric ($5.50/yd)
Pattern: Advance 8511
Year: 1950s
Notions: buttons ($4)
First worn: June 2013
Wear again? I've wore it loads already! It looks super great with my Freddies of Pinewood capris too.

I love getting to watch the Irish dance groups!

Maybe it's the marching band nerd in me, but there is something about feet moving in unison that makes my heart go pitter patter. And the fact that most types of dance aren't actually that much in unison.

There was a wide variety of Irish beers available, but since I'm not a beer fan, I stuck with wine. This year, they had cute little one serving cups!

Blouse: me-made Advance 8511
Skirt: me-made circle skirt
Shoes: Payless
Purse, Hat, Earrings: vintage
Necklace: Forever 21

There was loads of great music from more traditional tunes on bagpipes to modern groups like Gaelic Storm.

Are you a die hard Irish fan or are you more a casual partaker like me?


  1. I love this outfit! The skirt has such a pretty, full shape. All together you look the epitome of the 50s!

  2. A) I completely hear you on the St. Patty's day thing -- I live in Boston and it's hell.
    B) in that last picture, you look just like Mary from Downton! I had to tell you!

  3. Well, technically if you are not Catholic, you shouldn't be wearing green on St. Patrick's day. Instead, if you are Protestant, you should be rocking orange. Now if you are Jewish or Muslim, etc... I have no clue. At least that's what I've always been told. We are HEAVILY Scotch-Irish in my heritage, so I do love St. Patrick's day stuff. And being Scotch-Irish, I'll wear a little green in honor.

    1. Well, I'm French mostly, but maybe I'll try orange next year anyways.

  4. OMG! You've got to be kidding! heh I also made a tie front blouse with my extra picnic fabric scraps!

    Yours is lovely though.

    I'm thinking when I get photos of mine up, I'm going to photoshop you in for fun. What do you say?! hehehe

  5. How cute is your outfit! I love the barbecue print blouse. I just love how you are able to "whip up" a blouse. I really need to focus and try this:) Can I say that I also love your hat? Next time you wear it take some detailed shots for us:) Also, the last picture totally invites a caption, I bet you are wondering what is under the bag pipe man's kilt? Or are you wondering if he uses bias tape on his kilt?

  6. I LOVE your outfit! I'm a total sucker for novelty prints, and the red/turquoise color combo is one of my faves!

    As for Irish, I am one, so I'm definitely in the die-hard end of the spectrum. :) We went to Ireland a few years ago and it was fantastic. So beautiful, family friendly, wonderful weather, everything you want in a vacation. I wish I could live there.

  7. That fabric works so tremendously well as a shirt! Love this fun outfit - it's perfect for celebrating any event, Irish or otherwise.

    ♥ Jessica

  8. I'm not a big fan of St. Patrick's Day since it's always a complete zoo, but I love traditional Irish music and have since I was young (I even took a basic step dance class when I was in high school). Your outfit was adorable! That bbq fabric still kills me, so so cute.

  9. I have Irish ancestry, but it's come via Asia. St Patrick's Day's not quite such a big thing here in the UK (it's treated more as an occasion to drink lots, which is pretty much how every occasion gets treated...) but I'd feel odd celebrating it because I'm not Irish. It'd feel like inviting myself to someone else's cultural event.

    1. It's pretty much an occasion to drink lots here too. And wear ridiculous amounts of green.

  10. I don't know if it's my Irish heritage or what but I do love me some St. Patty's day and other Irish events. We went to this too and I must not have seen you because I definitely would have commented on such a fun outfit!

  11. The BBQ top is adorbs! I went to Catholic school from 6th--12th grade with lots of American-born Irish Catholics, so St. Patrick's day was always a bit of fun. I'm not Irish, but I just enjoy the festive, playful energy. I also casually enjoy Celtic music and dance.
