
Monday, September 16, 2013

Back in time

I made most of this costume last summer when I was planning on going to the KY Renaissance Festival which is earlier in the summer than the OH one and much warmer. Then it was 107F the weekend we were going to go so we skipped.

Then I wore it to Costume College '12 but it was on Sunday and I was much too beat for photos.

So we're skipping from WIP stage right to version 2.0 with new coif, sleeves and petticoat!

I had a lot of fun wearing this costume despite the fact that it was quite packed at the faire. There are still a couple of things that need to be tweeked here and there but mostly I'm happy.

One thing on my list for next season is a pair of more historically accurate shoes! Also to re-hem this petticoat. Somehow it ended up about 2 inches longer than my kirtle and it's supposed to be an inch or so shorter! Eeep! So I hastily pined up a new hem and sewed like mad in the car on the way there. I'm sure it's not a great hem job but it was functional.

It was sort of odd being at faire this year. My faire does NOT emphasize historical accuracy, particularly in the lower class. So I was a bit out of place being so covered. But it was a blessing in disguise because the lovely fall like weather made me completely forget about sunscreen and my poor face got all burnt! Yay for the new coif which protected my ears!

And can I just say how crazy comfy this dress is! It really makes me want to do more lower and middle class costumes and less court dresses!

Dress Diary: Red Peasant Gown

General Inspiration

Photos curtsey of Will Thorpe Intelligent Design


  1. Delightful! I went yesterday, but in non-historically accurate clothing. I was afraid it might be too hot.

  2. A very lovely color scheme. You have such great skills as a seamstress. I can quite imagine the amount of time, effort, and love that went into this costume.

  3. So pretty! I'm glad you finally got to wear it! Yes, the Ohio Ren Fest seems to be a proper mish mash of things, but sometimes that can be fun. ;) At least they aren't wearing jeans, right?

  4. Love it! Glad you were able to get pictures of it this time around. Your husband does a fantastic job with your photos!

    1. Thanks! It's nice having a professional photographer in the house. :)

    2. I like Sarah : ) She has good taste in photography
