
Friday, October 25, 2013

We've moved!

The mister and I (and the birds!) have been moving all week but thanks to the magic of scheduled postings, I was able to keep blogging through it all. We're still working on getting everything set up and all of the kinks worked out but I thought I'd share a bit about the building's history! It was originally a YMCA and actually the back part of the building still is a YMCA but most of it has been converted into apartments. It was built in 1929 and great care was taken when designing the apartments to keep some of the great original details like crown molding and original flooring. Some of the apartments have really unique features due to the historic nature of the building.

And early snap shot of the exterior.

The original lobby with some guests.

Part of the courtyard. It seriously looks like the inside of an Italian villa in there!

I just adore the style of the building!

Do you live in a historic home?


  1. Yep! My house was built in 1923. I have some old photos of it I found in the library, maybe I need to do a post!

  2. Ooh! Are you still in whatever state you were in previously? Good luck with all the moving, it can be so stressful!

    1. Yes, we stayed in state. It's actually just a few miles from our old place.

  3. Congratulations on your move. What a great building!

  4. Ooooh The building looks amazing! Can't wait to see your outfit shots in front of all of the intricate architecture.

    Cheers on the move! Seems to be just one more thing I'm "copying" you on now. heh

  5. Congratulations, both for the moving, which is always exciting, yet tiring and for the effort that you planned and wrote in advance to keep us supported with some readings. :)
    Your new home looks really nice, I hope that your apartment is a cool mixture of old fashioned look and modern comfort. :o)
    And yepp, I live in a more-than-100-years-old house but that's not a big deal here, in Budapest. :o)

  6. so neat that you have old shots of the building! Good luck with all the unpacking!!

  7. I do! Our home was built in 1924 and still has the original gumwood trim and inlaid floors.

  8. OMG what a beautiful building! I hope you're going to share some details of the interior as well :)

  9. That is such an elegantly beautiful building. Happiest congrats to you both on your fabulous new vintage digs!

    ♥ Jessica

  10. What a gorgeous building! I hope you have fun making your new place a home!


  11. Jealous that you can live in a vintage place. My dream house has always been a Craftsman or Victorian.
