
Monday, December 2, 2013


Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! This year, my mother-in-law's Thanksgiving fell on the day of my Master's thesis defense so I was a bit less festive than usual but still looking sharp.

I was going for classy and intelligent since I had to go straight from my defense to dinner.

My defense went amazing so I was really able to relax and enjoy some family time which hasn't happened a lot this semester.

And of course, some kitty love always helps with stress levels.

Sweater: Banana Republic
Skirt: Me-made

This is also the hair style from last week's youtube. I actually filmed it the day of my defense and my hubby made fun of me all day. I retorted that I had to do my hair anyways. :p

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Oh how stressful - but wonderful that you did such a great job! I'm sure it's not just your gorgeous hair....

  2. You look amazing and your hair is so cute in these shots! I love the last photo the most! Hope you did well on your thesis.

  3. I'm glad your defense went well, and you even had time to do something nice with your hair! You are a lovely couple :)
