
Monday, January 27, 2014

On contentment

I didn't make any resolutions this year because I've been trying to work on contentment this year. Today's society is very much a buy, consume, throw away and buy again. Studying the past can really open your eyes to how little people lived on compared to how much stuff we "need" now a days. On top of this, I don't like feeling like my happiness is based on having stuff.

Last semester while I was working on my thesis, I realized that my sewing often followed a similar pattern to most people's shopping habit-buy, sewn, wear, hang in closet, MUST HAVE NEW CLOTHES, buy again. It wasn't fun but rather stressful. Not to mention that I'm at the point where I have enough clothes to wear vintage style everyday. There are still a few gaps but nothing that I need right now.

I want to take things slower, sew for enjoyment and think strategically about what I sew and not just *mustsewallthethings* all the time. I've been inspired a lot by Rochelle of Lucky Lucille's 12 Pattern Challenge to go back to my TNT patterns and drafting using them as a base rather than having to buy new patterns all the time. I know what features and styles look good on me and it's time for me to get back to them and just experiment occasionally.

I also want to spend time doing other things. Sewing is often a one person activity and I want to do things that my hubby and I can do together even if it's just watching a movie at home. And there are other things I used to do like reading that I don't anymore because all of my free time is sewing.

So, this year I'm focusing on enjoying things that I already have. Rediscovering old loves and being content with having less rather than always feeling like I have to have more. It's about appreciating the good things in life I already have instead of day dreaming of bigger and better.


  1. it's a good plan because sewing is a hobby and it's not good to have stress in your free time ;)

  2. I'm a steady reader but don't usually comment. I love this new focus. I think if one embraces all of a vintage lifestyle, especially 30s and 40s this is part of the mentality. 50s began a more intense consumerism and materialism and throw away attitude, which is even worse today. I wish you well on your resolution!

  3. A very insightful post, I couldn't agree more with. I too have adopted that as well. It is silly to buy, buy, buy {or in your case, sew, sew, sew} when it will stay in your closet. I have so many things I do not wear and either need to donate them or list them on ebay.

  4. Hear hear! I feel like enough of us don't take the time to think about this. I appreciate your post and will be trying to put some thoughts on contentment in my own life. Thank you for the idea!

  5. I like it! I've been leaning more and more in that direction since moving out. I just don't have the money to buy new that often and it is more stressful than fun.

  6. Yes, a thousand times, yes! I too often think about what contentment (to most folks, especially in the western world) means in the 21st century vs in decades and centuries past and prefer to typically try to align myself more with the vision of it from the past. That isn't to say I don't buy new things or derive happiness from my possessions, I do both, but they don't dictate my contentment levels completely by any stretch of the imagination.

    ♥ Jessica

  7. I love this. Especially because it's been something I've been struggling with too. So thank you for this.


  8. There's definitely a magic in appreciating what you have. Last year I went through a phase of hating my clothes, and feeling like I wore the same thing all the time - six weeks recording outfits on a spreadsheet made me realise it wasn't true and gave me the urge to try new combinations. It's so easy to overlook what's already there.

    Have fun with your hubby and books :-)
