
Friday, August 29, 2014

Let's get classy!

There's something so classy about the red and black color combination! You really can't go wrong with it. So when I picked up this darling red and black dress I just knew it would go great with some black accessories.

I know I have an odd figure so it's amazing to find a vintage dress that fits me so well! It could still use a few tweaks but it fits well enough that I'd rather keep the original integrity of the dress.

It's so much fun to breathe life into this dress again. The light cotton and whimsical ruffles suggest a casual air but I thought the graceful length called for a more dressy look.

Belt, hat and gloves: Vintage
Necklace: from my hubby's grandmother
Crinoline: Amazon
Shoes: Payless

I felt so elegant in this dress today! Plus it's cotton and sleeveless so it was quite comfortable in the heat. 

I don't usually wear red lippy when it's so hot and humid out because with lip liner, it's just so heavy and high maintenance but I knew this dress was just screaming for red!

What are your favorite accessories for when you want to look classy?


  1. The fabric is so cool!
    You look so sweet!

  2. That dress looks so pretty on you! The color suits you very well, and that hat is fab!
    My favorite classy accessory is just a necklace. Depending on the look I want to convey, it can be a simple chain, or pearls.

  3. Woaw, beautiful this dress!!!!
    I love this red and black combo... To look classy, a hat is a must have, the biggest it is the more classy it will be. High heels also help for a classy look.

  4. That is such an incredibly lovely dress! I adore the combo of red and black together so much. In fact, it (often along with grey and/or white) is my unofficial winter wardrobe. I wear it so often from November to March in fact, I actually have to make a conscious effort sometimes to sport other hues, lest those around me start thinking I only own those colours. :D

    You really, really look sensational here, dear gal!
    ♥ Jessica

  5. This is a terrific look for you....svelte and sophisticated and your waist is so tiny!
