
Monday, October 6, 2014

Some weekend sewing

One of the benefits of being home sick all weekend alone is getting in some hand sewing. Also watching a lot of costume dramas for "research".

First on the list was finishing up the striped Italian dress. Mostly, I just had trim to do. I had hoped to wear it this weekend but that was not to be. Ah, well. There are two more weekends left of the Ohio Renaissance Festival. It could still use some more accessories but it's enough done to wear.

I also finished up two small hand sewing projects. The yellow one I started at the SCA event the other weekend as part of a class. I had so much fun making it that I made the blue one too. Can you guess what they are?

They are needle books! They were an easy project plus they are useful. I hate leaving needles in my pin cushions and my husband hates the other place I leave needles- stuck in the arm of the couch.

I overcame my fear of hand sewn button holes. After eyelets, you'd think button holes wouldn't be intimidating but sometimes we get weird about things. Turns out the silk button hole twist makes sewing fun!

I've also started planning my next costume! I have a serious costuming bug right now. I'm planning a 1490s dress in the style of The Borgias. The costumes aren't 100% accurate but they are very pretty. I've decided to splurge a bit and make the dress out of silk. I ordered some swatches and they should arrive soon. Can't wait!

And a new period requires new underpinnings! While corsets aren't period for this period, I'm planning on making a lightly boned one just to give me the right shape. So far, the muslining is going well and it's quite comfortable.

What projects did you work on this weekend?


  1. I love that striped material!! I can't wait to start doing more historical sewing!!
    I started a 1940s dress from Simplicity 1587. It went pretty horribly for a while - everything had to be redone about 3 times, including putting a different skirt on when the original looked HORRID, but now I'm almost done, and I really like it. :-)
    That's how it goes I guess! I can't wait to see your finished dress!!

  2. That looks like something wonderful int he making :-)

  3. I love the Borgias costumes, so I'm really excited to see you work on this!
