
Monday, July 6, 2015

Red, White and Polka Dots

Despite the name of my blog and my love of 40s fashion, I'm not a super patriotic person. I've never been much of a "team" person (I despise almost all sports) and my experience with the military during my husband's deployment left much to be desired. But I do make an exception for the 4th of July. It doesn't hurt that red, white and blue are great colors on me.

This year I'm actually wearing last year's dress. Since I was a bad blogger and didn't get any photos last year, it's still new to you. And look, polka dots!

The pattern I used is Anne Adams 4832. Generally, I stick to Simplicity, Butterick and McCall vintage patterns but this one was just too cute to pass up.

And I lucked out in finding this great blue linen embroidered with red and white polka dots. So yummy!

I ended up making this dress a bit shorter than I usually like just to try it out. I still prefer a slightly longer skirt length but it's fun to be different sometimes.

I decided that this outfit had a bit too much blue so I pulled out a great red belt to break it up a bit. Belts have such transformative powers for outfits!

I also chose a red hair flower and red earrings to help this outfit pop. Alas, I didn't have a red snood but this ensemble convinced me that I really need a red one so I've ordered one. (I think I also need green and yellow and white but those shades will have to wait.)

And I got to pull out one of my favorite vintage purses for this festive day! I don't use vintage purses for my day to day outfits because I can't fit all of my stuff in such a tiny bag but for the odd special occasion, I still pull them out.

My holiday weekend was pretty low key. Just playing board games at home with my hubby all day and then a BBQ and fireworks at my brother-in-law's in the evening. The older I've gotten the more I've grown to appreciate a quite holiday rather than an endless parade of people to see (especially for people like me who are introverts and get easily over stimulated by large groups of people), a mile long list of activities to do and piles of unhealthy food that lead to tummy aches and extra pounds.

I was much happier to have time to watch some youtube videos including a great snood collaboration between two of my favorite youtubers, Ashley of Lisa Freemont Street and Jen of A Vintage Vanity. This is my version of Ashley's style and I'll be wearing Jen's style later this week.

And, of course, I found some time for blogging activities! My hubby snapped this shot of me updating my Instagram account. You can follow me here.

 Did you sport a patriotic outfit this weekend? Leave me a link if you shared one on your blog!


  1. This is adorable! I love it. Obviously, I'm a pretty patriotic person, so red, white, and blue outfits are always a win with me. In fact... I'm wearing a red, white, and blue brooch right now. Can't go wrong!

  2. Cute dress, and it looks fab with the snood and hair flower x

  3. Wow, it looks so beautiful. The length of the skirt is okay. All of my skirts shortish for 40th or 50th style.
    Best wishes

  4. You look super cute! That polka dot linen is great and I love the belt! I wore my patriotic outfit Wednesday, since I'd no plans of leaving the house over the weekend. Managed to forget to include my red, white, and blue bag in the photo though.

  5. Such a nice outfit. these colours always look great on you.

  6. Fantastic outfit! I love the snood + hair flower combo. Too cute! Tony likes to take snaps of me when I'm taking photos on my phone, too - so meta. :D

    ♥ Jessica

  7. Great outfit and you did a perfect job on combining different colours. It looks very well-put together! I also love the hair flower, I have been obsessing over them since a week or so. They make everything look so summer-y!

  8. I also only pull out my vintage purses for special occasions ~ because NOT enough room! I honestly don't know how ladies did it back then ~ or maybe that's why they have pockets everywhere in vintage items??

    I do love your spotty dress though ~ the navy color is so gorgeous. :) ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill
