
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Princess for a Day

I love getting to dress up so Halloween has always been a fun holiday for me but there are definitely less opportunities for dress up events as an adult. Boo. So I decided to dress up a bit on Friday to work just because I could.

Now, we weren't having an office party or anything so I just stuck with something a bit subtle. I pulled out my castle print skirt from Pin Up Girl clothing (even though it's not in my fall Project 333... more on that next week) and added a tiara for instant princess.

I've always thought that this print looked like Sleeping Beauty's castle so I ran with the pink and blue theme. Make it pink! Make it blue!

I'd love a changing color dress though. Someone should really work on that.

When picking out my outfit, I definitely wanted something easy to wear. I also wanted something nice and light since I do work at a church with a school on site. For me personally, it's much easier to over sensitive to workplace dress codes rather than to push the limits.

 Besides, as I like to remind my husband, I am a princess. My name means "crowned" after all.

And as a Christian, I'm the daughter of a king aka a princess. :D It makes the girly part of me want to squeal.

I think every girl deserves to have at least one tiara because they make you feel fabulous. And who doesn't like sparkly things? I'd probably wear one every day if I could get away with it.

This is currently the only one I have. It's actually from my wedding and was a bit on the pricey side but it's really great quality.

It's still going strong six years later and has out lived several others which broke or became dull and tarnished.

Speaking of hanging on, this skirt has almost been purged several times. I went through an antipink phase for a while and I just didn't care too much for it. But I always held on to it because it just needs to be worn to Disney.

Now that I've removed a lot of pink and brown from my closet, I've found that I do actually like pink and blue so this skirt is going to stay. And hopefully it will make it to Disney one day!

Have you ever dressed as a princess for the day? Do you have a tiara?

P.S. A not so princess worthy face I made at my husband when he was taking too long to get the lighting adjusted for his camera.


  1. Such lovely photos! That crown is, fittingly :), quite the majestic piece and a beautiful compliment to this splendidly pretty outfit.

    Wishing you guys an awesome, fun filled Halloween!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks dear! Hope you have a fabulous Halloween too! Can't wait to see your costume this year!

  2. This is so awesome! You remind me of Leslie Caron from the Cinderella film.

  3. I remember colour-change T-shirts from the late 80s. They had an unfortunate habit of changing colour in the armpits first! Not a good look...

  4. Well, I love this skirt, and how you styled it here, so I definitely think it was a good pick to keep it! You look lovely in that shade of blue, and the tiara is the perfect touch. ;)

    bonita of Lavender & Twill
