
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011 in Review

With 2012 fast approaching, now seems like a good time to evaluate all of the things that went on this past year and ponder what is in the picture for next year. So let's start out with this year's resolutions.

#1. Do more vintage hair styles.

I think I did ok on this front. Chopping off all my hair at the beginning of the summer kind of put a dent this one....

#2. Sew more! Vintage and otherwise!

I sewed gobs over the summer! Yay! I've gotten so much better this year. I'm still working on getting the sewing while in grad school bit worked out but it's been a good year for sewing.

#3. Do more with my Youtube of the Week

This one definitely was a fail. Not only did I not do more, I completely got rid of youtube of the week entirely.

#4. Break out onto Youtube

My Youtube channel is up and running! It's really been fun doing youtube videos. I'm still working on having a more regular schedule for videos though.

#5. Be better about responding to comments

I'm still working on this one too.

#6. When in doubt, be BOLD!

I love this motto. It's really helped me jump in and try lots of new things including my newest passion, knitting.

Things I've conquered this year:

Vintage patterns



Costuming and Corset making


Red Lipstick



It's been a pretty awesome year. What have been your biggest triumphs this year?


  1. My only resolution for 2011 was to NOT buy any new clothing. We had just come back from India, and the rampant consumerism that's taken over big-city India (we lived in Ahmedabad, which at the time was like the 5th largest city in India) really got to me. I had been to India in 1999 and one of the things I really loved was the fact that people still made stuff, and there were tailors EVERYWHERE. So no buying clothes for me for one year. I managed to stick to it!

    My resolutions (which I shall be blogging about shortly once the Christmas season dies down and I can return to my blog) for 2012 is going to be to continue not buying NEW clothes--only vintage or thrifted (as this was an area I actually felt I cheated myself as I've missed out on some lovely vintage stuff in stores and online) as well as sewing. I'd also like to add three, possible four, more:
    1. Learn how to sew as professionals sew. I know how to sew, now I'd like to learn how to professionally finish a garment.
    2. Write every day and send out queries and submissions.
    3. Blog on a regular schedule. I'd really like to start to make my presence known!
    4. (and this one is my maybe) Start own business.

    We'll see how it goes.

  2. This year, I managed to only buy comfortable shoes! I'm so proud of myself for that because I am notorious for buying shoes that kill my feet. I also spent more time looking for high quality vintage pieces and pretty accessories. I totally failed at finishing projects, sewing more and not buying any more blue clothes. Better luck in 2012! :)

  3. Wow, congratulations! Sounds like a successful year! I didn't have that many resolutions for 2011 but I managed a fine number of garments, so that's good!

  4. My resolution was to not buy anymore shoes!! A MAJOR addiction of mine and to pay off bills instead... and well I didn't buy any new shoes... but I still have bills to pay off thanks to unexpected medical bills. BOO!! But I didn't buy any new shoes!!! So I think that was a great success!
