
Saturday, January 3, 2015

So what's ahead for 2015

Phew! 2014 was quite a busy and crazy year. (If you missed my year in review, you can check it out here.) With the turn of a new year, I've been looking ahead to what this year might bring. There are definitely still a lot of question marks but here are some of the things I'm looking forward to in 2015.

One of the things I'm most looking forward to is visiting the beach regularly! We've already been several times since moving down here and I'm hoping to make it weekly. I've never been big on swimming but I love being near the shore or on a boat. There's just something magical about the ocean that just makes all of life's problems seem insignificant and far away.

I'm hoping to become more involved in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). It's a pre-17th century group with branches all over the world. I went to a couple of events in Ohio and really enjoyed it. Plus, I need a new venue for my Renaissance costuming now that we had to leave the Ohio Renaissance Festival behind.

On the sewing front, I'm still loving 1930s fashion so expect to see more of them in 2015. I have been day dreaming of 1930s beachwear a lot since I finally have a beach to wear them too! I've also been attracted to easy, practical 1940s separates. Packing is a great way to really evaluate your wardrobe! I need to replace my white blouses and am in desperate need of a basic black blouse! I do have a few TNT blouse patterns so that should be a pretty easy goal to achieve.

Packing also makes you realize how much clothes you have so I'm definitely going to let myself do more frequent and more complex costuming projects. I'm participating in Historical Sew Fortnightly again this year, although it's switching to Historical Sew Monthly for 2015. And I still am planning on making my Borgia dress.

I've also set a few personal goals for myself including drinking more water and eating better. On that front, I've been trying to cook from new recipes. I also need to find a good place to bike around here since falling in love with bicycling in 2014. On the hair front, I'm still waiting to see how Florida cooperates with my hair. I almost chopped it all off again at the beginning of December but my current plan is to keep growing it out so that by summer, it's long enough for up dos.

I'm sure 2015 will have quite a few surprises up it's sleeves too! What are you looking forward to in 2015?


  1. The 20s and 30s have also become really appealing to me as well. I love the 30s dress you're wearing, it's gorgeous. I would also love to see more historical costuming photos from your SCA adventures, that's such an amazing thing to do.

  2. I live where it's warm most of the year as well, so I am really looking forward to seeing the practical pieces you make in 2015. I made a top and shorts when you did your playsuit sewalong, but never got around to the skirt. That's one of my goals for 20015. I enjoy your blog tremendously. You are inspiring!

  3. Can't wait to see more of your SCA adventures, that's so exciting!
    And it seems that the 30's are on everyones mind! I need to look at some outfits, and make some now, I think.

  4. There truly is something incredibly soothing, beautiful and inherently appealing about being near the sea/water in general. I've felt this pull my whole life and as such as am especially glad to live in a town that is sandwiched by two large lakes (though I do still need to visit the actual Ocean for my salt water fix every once in a while).

    Here's to an exciting, wonderful 2015 for you and you and Will!

    ♥ Jessica

  5. I'm very excited to see your sewing plans for the new year. I love the patterns of the 1930s and 1940s. I find though that the 1930s patterns can be quite complex. I'm also really wanting to try beach pajamas in the future I have one original and one reproduction pattern. There are so many fun images out there of lovely ladies in beach pajamas. If you want some inspiration on this, I believe there is a tumbler account called "Giant Pants of the 1930s" or something like this and there are so many great images on there. I was thinking of trying linen or rayon. I have many goals myself but lets see if I can just get through a couple. I really want to sew with wool and rayon.

  6. What with a lot of travel recently, I haven't evaluated my resolutions yet, but I love reading other people's lists! And I had to comment, because one of my goals this year is to drink more water, too! Funny! :-)

  7. Cheers to a new year! You've become such an amazing seamstress. I love that last photo of you, it makes me want a pixie cut!

  8. Delightful! And I can't wait to see your 30s creations!

