
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Princess for a Day

I love getting to dress up so Halloween has always been a fun holiday for me but there are definitely less opportunities for dress up events as an adult. Boo. So I decided to dress up a bit on Friday to work just because I could.

Now, we weren't having an office party or anything so I just stuck with something a bit subtle. I pulled out my castle print skirt from Pin Up Girl clothing (even though it's not in my fall Project 333... more on that next week) and added a tiara for instant princess.

I've always thought that this print looked like Sleeping Beauty's castle so I ran with the pink and blue theme. Make it pink! Make it blue!

I'd love a changing color dress though. Someone should really work on that.

When picking out my outfit, I definitely wanted something easy to wear. I also wanted something nice and light since I do work at a church with a school on site. For me personally, it's much easier to over sensitive to workplace dress codes rather than to push the limits.

 Besides, as I like to remind my husband, I am a princess. My name means "crowned" after all.

And as a Christian, I'm the daughter of a king aka a princess. :D It makes the girly part of me want to squeal.

I think every girl deserves to have at least one tiara because they make you feel fabulous. And who doesn't like sparkly things? I'd probably wear one every day if I could get away with it.

This is currently the only one I have. It's actually from my wedding and was a bit on the pricey side but it's really great quality.

It's still going strong six years later and has out lived several others which broke or became dull and tarnished.

Speaking of hanging on, this skirt has almost been purged several times. I went through an antipink phase for a while and I just didn't care too much for it. But I always held on to it because it just needs to be worn to Disney.

Now that I've removed a lot of pink and brown from my closet, I've found that I do actually like pink and blue so this skirt is going to stay. And hopefully it will make it to Disney one day!

Have you ever dressed as a princess for the day? Do you have a tiara?

P.S. A not so princess worthy face I made at my husband when he was taking too long to get the lighting adjusted for his camera.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Konmari Journey Part #0: Intro

When you've been blogging for as long as I have (over five years! where has the time gone!), it's completely natural for your blog to grow and evolve and change as you get better at what every blog about (not to mention the actual blogging process) and as you discover new things that you are passionate about. And we're at one of those points right now!

My motto for this year is Less is More and it's really sparked an interest in minimalism. I've done quite a few wardrobe purges and played around with Project 333 and capsule wardrobes. And it's time for my next minimalist challenge!

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen that I recently purchased The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Mari Kondo and I'll be using her tidying process called the Konmari Method to get rid of excess items in my house and then organize what's left.

I'm going to be vlogging this process since that seems like a better option for this sort of thing than photos especially since there are a lot of places in my house that don't photograph well! I'm hoping to post one video a week as I work through this process in addition to the regular vintage and outfit posts on the blog. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 Reasons to Do Project 333

I've been really enjoying doing my Project 333 so I thought I'd do a little bit of vlogging about it. Today, I'm sharing five reasons why I think everyone should do a Project 333 at least once.

You can check out my other Project 333 posts here or get all the info you need to get started on your own Project 333 here.

Monday, October 19, 2015

5 Fall Trends to Get Excited About

Ah, fall, the most glorious of seasons! Here are some fall trends to get excited about while we enjoy the cooler weather and color changing leaves.

Plaid, plaid and more plaid! Wear just a touch or try head to toe. Plaid is the print of the season.

Wide legged trousers are a classy look for fall. Ladies of the 1930s and 1940s loved this look because they were chic and comfortable.

Fabulous suits are great all year round but there is something about fall that makes me reach for these sharp tailored ensembles in glorious fabrics like wool and velvet.

 All things leaf related are fabulous additions to your fall wardrobe. Go subtle with leaf jewelry or go bold with an all over leaf print like this great vintage dress.

Layers are a key feature of fall looks especially as we near the end of the year. This is the perfect time to play with mixing and matching colors, textures and prints. Play around with different combinations and push yourself.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Refashion and a Re-do

Doing Project 333 has really changed the way I look at clothes. I really thought about some of the pieces that I liked in theory but I never quite got around to wearing. Most of them had fabrics I loved but either the fit was off or I had to wear a fancy bra which I'm not willing to do for more than a few hours.

So I picked four pieces to refashion as part of my fall Project 333. If I could make it work, then they'd become keepers. If not, I can say goodbye knowing that I tried. And here is the first one!

This is a fabric that I fell in love with at Jo-Ann's but I couldn't handle the price tag. But I was able to score it for half off in the red tag clearance section. It's first life was as a wearable muslin of Simplicity 8398 which I later used to make a bridesmaid's dress out of a yummy silk cotton.

The main problems with this dress were that it was a bit long waisted, that it was a bit too big (and I never got around to making the matching belt) and that I couldn't wear a normal bra with it. I decided to refashion it into a pleated skirt.

 I'm much more comfortable with novelty prints only on the bottom half of me anyways. I styled it with a lace cami and white blouse for a very girly look.

 Oh, yeah. I also got my hair cut off this weekend. I tried and tried and tried to grow out my hair and make it work with the Florida humidity but it was not to be. It was not going to happen.

Previously, my pixie cut decisions had been very emotional and impulsive. I wanted a change so I got one. This go around I was much more logical and thought out about it. A pixie is very easy and very me. I love the lifestyle that comes with a pixie. Riding with the windows down anyone.

Not to mention that I absolutely love it! I'm planning on keeping it much longer term than any of my previous pixies. Florida Stephanie has her Florida hair back. :D

And because I couldn't find a photo of the back of my head from my previous pixie, here's the back of my head. Now and forever I'll have a great reference for future pixies.

Overall, I feel like this look really captures what I want my wardrobe to feel like- vintage inspired, bold colors, fun and easy.

Now to just finish the rest of the refashions so I have options in my wardrobe again!

P.S. Check out my other piece of new nerd bling. It's a mobius strip with I love you. I know. stamped around it. Yay Star Wars!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Dapper Day 2015

I went to my very first Dapper Day at WDW Hollywood Studios this weekend! It was so much fun to dress up and be at the park. I wasn't really sure what to expect but I was really floored by some of the great vintage and Disney Bound outfits I saw. And I even got to meet up with some friends who had gone vintage for the day. We decided not to bring the big camera along but I did bring my camcorder to vlog for the day. Enjoy!

I had totally forgotten about it until the night before when I saw a post on Facebook about it so I didn't really have time to plan a new outfit. I ended up just wearing my Snow White Disney Bound again and it got a lot of positive attention like last time. As for the next Dapper Day, I do plan on going as long as my schedule allows it and I hope to have a new Disney Bound by then!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I am a nerd

Long before I loved vintage, I loved nerdy things. In fact, if I hadn't discovered vintage, I probably would have started wearing lots of nerdy t-shirts.

But since no longer have regular t-shirts in my wardrobe, I've not been able to show off my nerd spirit in my wardrobe too much. Super nerd undercover as a fashionista!

But nerds have gotten classy and we have our own nerd bling. A lot of pieces are very obvious but I liked the understated elegance of this necklace.

It goes very well with my favorite 1950s vintage dress which I have been wearing a lot lately.

It's oh so perfect for twirling! And I love that it works equally well with a small work appropriate crinoline and a super huge fabulous crinoline.

I don't wear a lot of yellow gold jewelry since I prefer white gold or silver but I dug deep in my jewelry box for these simple gold hops that I've had since high school. I've never gotten rid of them since they are real gold and thus "nice jewelry".

 I really don't have a lot of nice jewelry and it sometimes makes me feel nervous wearing it but earrings are up and out of the way so I'm not as worried about them.

This necklace is the symbol of the Rebel Alliance in the original Star Wars trilogy. I like the fact that it's very elegant and looks just like a cool shape to the average person. But fellow nerds will know what it is!

I purchased this piece at Hollywood Studios in Orlando, FL and I'm not sure if it's available elsewhere. They also had the Empire logo and some other fun things but this is the one I really liked.

 There's definitely a lot of excitement in the park due to the upcoming new movie and the Star Wars land. I imagine there will be more Star Wars jewelry coming out as well (and probably also ending up in my wardrobe!).

 Do you have any nerd jewelry or outfits? If you've blogged about it, please share a link so we can all see the nerdiness!