Today in my Ireland and America history class, we talked about the Kennedys, as in JF and Jackie. My professor teaches a lot with pictures, so I was hoping for some drool worthy shots of Jackie. I *adore* Jackie. No such luck, but we did talk a bit about JF's mom, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. I was quite struck by her sense of style.

She was lovely.

Here she is with her father, Honey Fitz, a noted politician. She's the woman with the great hat.

Here she is again with her dad. She's the woman on the right of center. Love her jacket!

The Kennedy family in England. Rose is in the center. They are all so stylish!

The whole pack. Rose is in the middle again. JF is the first guy on the left. Aren't the girls' suits just darling!
wow. She was very beautiful. thank you for showing us these photos