Anyways, Colette Patterns are hosting a Spring Palette Challenge where you choose a color palette and make a mini wardrobe for yourself out of it. I wasn't planning on doing it, but after Brittany of Va-Voom Vintage posted today about working the color wheel in your wardrobe, I was inspired by a color combo she suggested. So here is my Spring Palette.

The three colors that inspired me were mint green, dark gray and lilac. I don't own anything that is mint green, but I think it's such a fun color! My other three colors are pale yellow, a light orange and pink. With these extra colors, I can sneak my Swing Dress into this challenge too. teeheehee. I'll probably add a couple other pieces to my list, but I haven't gotten that far yet.
Hey, sweetie! Thanks so much for this link!! I am loving their posts so far. You're right, they're so inspiring! I think I may have to print some of them out and post them on my note board to remind me to ditch the gray and go for color!