Today's Dressing Downton outfit is this lovely lavender and mauve dress Cora wears in S1.E1 when the duke arrives. (Seriously, I want every outfit worn in this scene.)

The undershirt is a lovely cream color with a lace collar and cuffs. She's also wearing a darling little necklace.

The dress has a collar and lace insert. There's a matching sash and overskirt trimmed with more lace.
See that pop of blue in this shot? A lining perhaps?

I love the elbow details on the shirt.
Looking to make this dress? This pattern would be a good start. Use only one layer of the skirt and add a cute collar and cuffs on the sleeves. Wear with or without the undershirt.
This is one of my favorite outfits. That lavender and cream is so dreamy!