Day 7: Snazy Pants

You've seen these already but here they are again. I worked so pants were a must. Hopefully I'll get another pair done before the end of September.
Day 8: My Comfy Outfit

I love this ensemble. My Pendrell blouse is so comfortable. I wore this for a full 16 hours in the car one road trip and it was awesome! So, when I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it was my longest day of the week, this is what I pulled.
Day 9: 40's Fab

Today I wore my Wearing History Sailor Playsuit skirt with a 40s style peasant blouse. I just love the shape of this skirt. It's very flattering and comfortable, plus it's not so huge like a circle skirt where I feel like I can't do any work in it.
What a cute skirt and love the color combo with your 40's blouse.