While most people choose to wear something extra special on Easter, I opted to stick with an old favorite-my brown and pink circle skirt. I've been wearing it a lot actually. Today I jazzed it up with my new beaded collar and hat.

My husband and I went to his parents' house after church today for dinner and an Easter egg hunt for the my niece and nephew. I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures in their backyard to take advantage of their lovely landscaping.

I tried out a new hairstyle from
Lauren Rennells' book and it turned out quite well for a first go. I'm also sporting a new coral lipstick I picked up this weekend. I like it. :)

Check out my hat! It came out very nicely! I made it from
this Wearing History pattern. It was actually pretty simple to make. I did have to get a bit creative when pressing the seams since I don't have a tailor's ham. (I've added that to my list of things to sew and already tracked down a tutorial.) I did add a strip to the front of the hat so I could attach different
Belle Blossoms as the mood it me. The one I am wearing is January's Blossom of the Month.

I ended up wearing my beaded collar backwards as the overall impression was that it looked a bit odd the other way round. Eh. I'm not one for being super historically accurate anyways.
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